Signal Beacon picking creatures of equal cost

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Signal Beacon picking creatures of equal cost

Post by Syrius »

When Dalia was selected as a target for Signal Beacon and then destroyed by Gorge, the player was able to pick Gorge from deck, which is of equal cost to Dalia, not less. The card text says strictly less.

Code: Select all

[IN] Kariston puts Signal Beacon from their hand into the conflict.
[IN] Kariston needs to make a choice before the duel can continue.
[IN] Kariston's Regain Dalia has gained the effect of Signal Beacon (Signal Beacon must remain in the conflict until its effect ends).
[IN] Kariston puts Sentient Gorge from their hand into the conflict.
[IN] Kariston needs to make a choice before the duel can continue.
[IN] Kariston has chosen Regain Dalia.
[IN] Kariston's Regain Dalia was destroyed.
[IN] Kariston needs to make a choice before the duel can continue.
[IN] Kariston sends Sentient Gorge from their deck to the conflict.
Liesl wrote:turn my soul into muffin
In chat wrote: <Mika> ack my screen is filled with so much syriusness
<Syrius> like syriusly
<Mika> id say it should lighten up a little but your already a lightbulb
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