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Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:35 pm
by Gohar
Type: Creature
Race: Grand Serpent
Quadrant: Dynasty
Element: Gravity
Cost: 10
Power: 6000
[Damage 2]
When you summon this creature, destroy one of your own creatures
whenever this creature attacks, choose and destroy one of your opponents creatures
Whenever this creature destroys another creature, all your grand serpent get +1000
Set: Special
Flavor Text: not yet available
Writer Text: "Upon its roar, the creatures humble themselves before the legendary beast"

The Element:

Leave none standing, blow 'em all up, strip 'em bare, hamlaaaaa!!!!!!! That was gravity is all about. You use tactics and destroy stuff, then you simply destroy stuff and when your done destroying you destroy yet more things. Starcross does not let that legacy down. Let your discard ease your opponents of their hand and at the same time ease your army into the conflict and there you have fearless destruction.

The Combat Ability:

The combat ability of Starcross is remarkably well. Its 6000 power means that it can easily fight off most creatures. Its leader effect gives it immediate survivability and worth. This creature can easily destroy other creatures and survive attacks. It is creatures like Ahrival and blockers like Berbel that prove very problematic. The fact that it has [damage 2] makes it a greater threat ending up in the possibility of being a preference for the opponent to block allowing for a chance to use Urnula Crater and other such cards effectively.

The Effect:
A great problem seen with Starcross's ability is the necessity to destroy one of your own creature, but this can be used rather advantageously by destroying an ink balloon forcing a discard or destroying a shine missile making an opponent's creature vulnerable. Its main ability and greatest value comes from the capability of being able to destroy and creature before attacking. The fact that this ability takes charge before attacking means that great that or future threats like Berbel and Amnes amon are instantly wiped out, it is indeed easier to get rid of the Berbel and lose only one tempo rather than have to fight it and lose 2 tempo possibly also losing a creature in the process. Since it has [leader], it becomes more usable and can cause at least some damage even if repelled by an air cannon or wormhole. Lastly the fact that it boosts all grand serpents by 1000 attack when it destroys a creature is a potential gift if used well allowing vibras to become viciously strong and more effective. A possible scenario is summoning starcross, giving it leader with vibra, destroying a shine missile as sacrifice, exhausting an opponent's creature and attacking it with starcross, selecting his strongest blocker as the destroyed target and then continuing on with the attack ending in a clear advantage.