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Oaking around

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:31 pm
by Syrius
<ri> everyone.
<ri> give me a name for a rival.
<ri> come on.
<ri> anyone.
* ri pokes Kafan, CrimsonBrawler, Casper, Myra, Raziel, Mika, Syrius...
<Syrius> your rival?
<Wedjat> Stalin.
* Nera (Nera-chin@PM-efp.0qf.114.79.IP) has joined #KC
<ri> Stalin. lol
<ri> I'm not going to name Gary Stalin.
<ri> rival in Pokemon, Syrius.
<ri> Stalin is too cool a name, j/s
<ri> up to seven letters.
<Syrius> ah damn, Schtrudel is too long
<Mika> gfys
<ri> Go fuck yourself?
<ri> What was that for.
<ri> :c
* Nera-chin has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Mika> you asked for a name
<Mika> gfys is a fine name >.>
<ri> oh. i thought you were being mean.
<Mika> i was being coy
<Mika> >.>
<ri> you're just a butt.
<ri> i'mma name him after you now.
<Mika> hey
<Nera> Win,.
<Mika> thats chauvinist
<Mika> i am more than my butt
<Mika> -jutsu perfected-
<Nera> You a breasts kind of person then?
<ri> his name is now Story.
<Mika> lol
<Mika> im a T and A inda person ;P
* Nera pushes like button.
<Mika> but no seriously
<Mika> Gary Story Mother Fuckin Oak
<Mika> is kinda a long name
<Nera> I'm sure the whole package is just rigt.
<ri> Just Story Oak.
<Mika> oooh
<Mika> thats actually a cool name
<Mika> ey hey ri
<ri> ?
<Mika> how many stories is he
<ri> no idea.
<ri> at least 1.
<Mika> 10 ft is pretty tall on its own guess
<Mika> hey hey
<Marie> s new ft is out, right
<Mika> your pnchline could be
<Mika> the bigger they are the harder they fall
<Mika> and when you do the final blow on his pokemon
* Nera cringes.
<Mika> what?
<Mika> im just oakin around
<Casper> um people, don't forget to register for the tourney! deadline-ness
<Nera> ...
<Syrius> LOOOL
<Nera> You clever bitch.
<Mika> you mean
<Mika> you clover beech
* Django[afk] ( has joined #KC
<Mika> >.>
<ri> trees, last name oak, and a pun for joke.
<Casper> lol
<ri> that was an epic threeway pun.
<ri> very rare.
<Nera> Thresome'd gank.