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Task Progress Report - 14.07.12

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:48 am
by Bell
New and moved items have slightly different color.

Finished Tasks:
COMMUNITY: The Chat link from forums now goes to the #ChaosFractal channel. Those who wish to /join #KC still are welcome.
COMMUNITY: The second draft of the Rules information post is complete.
CODING: Orca Sibling, Turbulent Eye, and Smuggler Varis have been added by Vinushka. Please report any errors regarding these cards.
DESIGN: Template images for many cards of set 3 have been added to be accessed through the Image Downloader.

CODING: Angel Shark, Fragment Unearther and Salman, the Dizzying have been added by Vinushka. Please report any errors regarding these cards.
DESIGN: More template images for multiple cards have been added to be accessed through the Image Downloader.
CODING: Funeral Pyre, Morning Sun and Denzen, Mimic Octopus have been added by Vinushka. Please report any errors regarding these cards.
DESIGN: The new website copy and secondary design features are complete.
CODING: Blood Coral, Flame Lord Asgard, and Velaren, Stratus Knight have been added by Vinushka. Please report any errors regarding these cards.
CODING: Automation of Typhoon Wyvern is now working correctly.
CODING: Forward Rewind, Domain Anchor, and Ion Storm have been added by Vinushka. Please report any errors regarding these cards.

Tasks In Progress:
COMMUNITY: The Facebook page design is beginning.
CODING: The Deck Analyzer has been adjusted and returned to functionality by Vinushka, and is currently undergoing minor tweaks and upgrades by me.
DESIGN: The highest costed creatures of set 3 are being run through secondary balance checks.
DESIGN: Testing of the recently added cards and their secondary interactions are underway and intended to be done over the weekend even moreso.
CODING: Automations for more cards that were low priority for automation before, are in progress.

CODING: Removal of "Balance Tag" from certain cards, and their effect changes, if any, is underway.
DESIGN: Image template cards for those cards with their Balance Tags removed, are being added.

Tasks To Be Started:
COMMUNITY: Utility functions for the forums are to be added.
DESIGN: Substyles for the forum are to be designed soon. Suggestions for themes can be posted in this thread.
DESIGN: The secondary level of the Genome system (allowing players to Genome their decks themselves), is to be finalized.
DESIGN: Finalization of cards and removal of the Balance Tags, etc, is to be started.
CODING: Additional options for Image Management are to be added.
CODING: Additional methods of accessing card rulings within KP itself are to be added.

DESIGN: The promotional staff is set to begin Phase 2.

If anyone has any further suggestions for tasks or reports on task status, please post in this thread.