Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

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Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by Bell »

This is a simple and relatively small tournament with a special condition applied.

No players currently classed as Titan are allowed to actually duel in this Tournament, however they are intended completely to participate in the Tournament indirectly.

There are therefore two different types of registration for this tournament.

Titan Call:
A Titan level player (this includes Researcher Nerafim, myself, and Valkyrs Micky and CrimsonBrawler) may offer their support to this tournament and list their specialization, they will then be placed in an 'Elder' slot, but again, will not be playing in the tournament.

Olympian Battle:
All other players may register for this tournament, and may also apply to be adjoined to a specific Titan to be prepared and trained for the tournament. You may enter this tournament without an overseeing Titan if you wish. Titans themselves choose who they will support, and each Titan only supports one Olympian. Please do not complain if you are not chosen, prove yourself and perhaps they will consider next time.

This tournament is intended to be a series, and will function even when there are not that many Titans available. We hope to foster growth and improvement through this system. The following are important things to note though, for both sides.

Titans, you may help in any way you like at all, feel free to build or give your Olympian a complete deck and training in how to use it if you wish, the only condition is that when the time comes for actual dueling, you are not the one playing. You are encouraged to keep contact with your Olympian through Forum PM regularly if possible, if you cannot do this, please either do not apply or make it clear that you won't be available as much so that the Olympians can make decisions about if to ask for your aid. If they agree of course, there's nothing stopping you from offering only minimal help.

Olympians, please respect your chosen Titan and understand that some of your training may need to be done on your own, they may not have quite as much time as you would like. You should try to keep in contact through Forum PMs to make it easiest for both of you.

This is a KC+ Tournament. For basic reference, this means that set 18 cards are playable, and you MAY NOT TARGET YOUR OPPONENT'S CREATURES WITH SOULSWAP (even if your deck is basic KC it is still forbidden).

This is NOT a fixed deck tournament, you may go into it 'armed' with as many decks and strategies as you like. You are not required to submit any decklists.

Since this is the first time this tournament will be run, the following variables are up for discussion:

1. Total number of registered Olympians (currently thinking 8, there aren't THAT many Titans to go around after all, but people may wish to enter without a Titan support)
2. Duration of tournament (so far, either 1 or 2 weeks starting today. probably two since this is the first time)
3. Exact format (currently KC+, not fixed decks, and also currently 2/3 elimination, standard stuff, but will be changed if enough people wish it)

Please make your opinion on the above known, especially if you want to register. Have fun, hope you learn and move closer to your goals in Duel Masters!
In chats wrote:<Wedjat> Why is there no function for converting "antagonizing fools" into "delightful servants"?
<ri> you don't have access to defool.exe?
<Wedjat> It would be an illegal operation.
<Wedjat> \o/
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Olympians Tournament I - Registrants

Post by Bell »

1. Bell (specialty: Single Evo Low Mana Assault, Technique Stance) - taken
2. Nerafim (specialty: Soul System Various, Technique Stance) - taken
3. CrimsonBrawler (specialty: Heavy Duty Mid Mana Assault, Forward Stance) - taken
4. Micky (specialty: Power Blitz OR Mana Controlling, Forward OR Rear Stance) - taken
5. prince_of_light (specialty: Soul System Various, High Mana Systems, Rear Stance) - taken
6. Akash Prince (specialty: Resource Build Mid Mana Assault, Forward OR Technique Stance) - taken
7. Duelme (specialty: ) - taken
8. Kyuukei (specialty: Spellslinger Aggro) - taken

1. IpMan
2. MIAR, Holy Commander
3. ZeroVash
4. Spyder
5. Rashaskool
6. king_of_duel
7. castelery
8. Relinquished - (Titan: CrimsonBrawler)
9. mighty - (Titan: prince_of_light)
10. Scoliodon - (Titan: Bell)
11. mYsTeRiOuS - (Titan: Duelme)
12. cap'n - (TItan: Nerafim)
13. Nehal94 - (TItan: Akash Prince)
14. (azeem)
15. dilawer - (TItan: Micky)
16. Shinji Nykahrii - (Titan: Kyuukei)

Registration is now closed

Registration occurs in this thread.
In chats wrote:<Wedjat> Why is there no function for converting "antagonizing fools" into "delightful servants"?
<ri> you don't have access to defool.exe?
<Wedjat> It would be an illegal operation.
<Wedjat> \o/
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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by MIAR, Holy Commander »

If bell allows me I will take part as an Olympian.

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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by ZeroVash »

I can also take part as an Olympian.
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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by Spyder »

I wanna sign up as an olympian too.
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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by Rashaskool »

I'm game.
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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by king_of_duel »

I want to join too.
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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by castelery »

Me too
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Re: Olympians Tournament I - Titan's Call

Post by Relinquished »

Am I in time to register? If not, shame. If I am, WOHOO!!!!1
Catch my drift? I want to register too!
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