Firstly I still thank u a LOT for making CF and I'll always support it insha Allah (If God wills). Pls reply kindly and its no problem if its a brief reply (as i realize how busy you are).
1) What is the most probable time for the release of the new cards (I was told September)?
2)Are there gonna be a new type of cards?
Card Suggestions:
These are merely suggestion which you can take if u like them, if u do then I'll ask others about them.
1) Spells which last multiple turns, such as a spell (7-8 cost, ice: choose one of your creatures and destroy it, if u do so then for the next 2 turn all your opponent's creatures get -1000 power)
2) mid-cost low power creatures with responser abilities (i don't know if we already have them but fallen fayring is kind of similar), such as (cost 5, radiance, power 2000-3000:[responcer effect] [deplete 2-5]Return spells with a total cost of 4 or less to your hand from your grave).
Card Request:
Thanks a lot for making my Card-a de Signaturo (Starcross)

1. [leader of whatever race it will be (hopefully some elite dragon race or something

2. power kept between 6000-8000
3. [martyr] you can sacrifice one or more of your creatures or discard a card at random from your hand (or choose and discard two cards, whichever u feel fairer, if random then only one cuz even that could be game changing) to reactivate its effect without attacking per creature destroyed/cards discarded
3. when this creature attacks, choose and destroy one of your opponents creatures and then he/she discards a card at random.
4. flavour text: Upon its roar, the creatures humble themselves before the legendary beast (that was just for fun

Thanks for reading and I hope I helped, I'm sorry I have no money to contribute, but I'll keep helping in this way hopefully.
May you have a happy life. Thanks a lot